Monday, November 19, 2012

Women organization working toward youth empowerment in partnership with Federal University of Sao Francisco Valley.
Assentamento Terra da Liberdade (Freedom Land neighborhood)
Petrolina, PE Semiarid region of Brazil.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Nos dias 7 e 8 de julho, à associação das mulheres rendeiras participou da xIx reunião plenária ordinária.

Do comitê da bacia hidrográfica do rio São Francisco

Em comemoração dos 10 anos da CBHSF.

Além de exposições de artesãs , flora e fauna local, o evento hospedou uma exibição de objetos antigos e instalações orientadas por a temática do meio ambiente .

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Nos dias 7 e 8 de julho, à associação das mulheres rendeiras participou da xIx reunião plenária ordinária.

Do comitê da bacia hidrográfica do rio São Francisco

Em comemoração dos 10 anos da CBHSF.

Além de exposições de artesãs , flora e fauna local, o evento hospedou uma exibição de objetos antigos e instalações orientadas por a temática do meio ambiente .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


On Friday the third of May we started an English course especially created for the sons, daughters, nephews and nieces of the associates. Our object is involving as much as possible the community with new and interesting activities, especially the new generation as, one day, they will be the ones to carry out our activities.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


The construction (about the 60%of the total project)of the physical structure of the main quarter is now done. Unfortunately it hadn't been possible to equip all the rooms with productive activities, that's why our next objective is to find partners or sponsors to enable the installation of the kitchen equipment necessary to open a snack bar in one of the “Associaçao da Mulheres Rendeiras”rooms, built especially for this use. Besides serving as a resource for commercializing cookery products from the North East of the country, being part of this production will also contribute to fortify the cultural identity and the social inclusion of its local members . Typical cookery, will therefore become a powerful tool able to complement, innovate and sustain the activities already developed by this non profit non Governmental Association.

See below some pictures taken on the "International Women Day"of last March